NURS 303 CUNY SPS Community Assessment and Planning Research Paper NURS 303 Final Project: Community Assessment and Project Planning A Multi Step Final Pro

NURS 303 CUNY SPS Community Assessment and Planning Research Paper NURS 303 Final Project: Community Assessment and Project Planning
A Multi Step Final Project
⦁ Part 1 – research and conduct and a Community Assessment and identify issues that impact health
⦁ Part 2 – Develop a targeted program/ intervention using supplied budget
⦁ Prepare 10 slides to present and share your findings and analysis with classmates

Grading rubric is posted in the Course site

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NURS 303 CUNY SPS Community Assessment and Planning Research Paper NURS 303 Final Project: Community Assessment and Project Planning A Multi Step Final Pro
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Purpose: For community health/ public health nurse to develop the skills needed to conduct a community assessment and plan appropriate interventions. The nurse will
⦁ Develop a working knowledge of a selected community
⦁ Identify the key needs and problems facing the community members
⦁ Identify the strengths and resources of the community
⦁ Develop realistic interventions to improve the health of the community and its people
⦁ Utilize the standards outlined in Healthy People 2020. ⦁ Http:// )
Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:
⦁ Utilize a community assessment and identify indicators of health
⦁ Identify nursing and health-related research data in community health nursing practice
⦁ Evaluate the health status of populations, determinants of health and risk factors impacting health promotion, maintenance and delivery of health services
⦁ Conceptualize a program or intervention to address the health needs of a community
This multi-step final assignment will seek to develop and build on your skills in the following ways: Students will
⦁ Implement an in-depth assessment of a community. (Windshield assessment/ literature search)
⦁ Identify your clients’ health problem or issue in a selected community (vital statistics)
⦁ Analyze what factors contribute to the cause of the problem (risk factors, determinants of health)
⦁ Synthesize collected data to propose a project that will offer interventions to improve the health of your selected community (intervention project proposal)
Your assignment will be to submit two papers that capture:
Part 1:
⦁ assessment of the community
⦁ identification of the issue or problem that needs to be addressed
Part 2:
⦁ proposal for a project or program to address a health issue or need
⦁ prepare a 10 slide presentation to share findings and analysis with peers

Final Project Part One: Community Assessment/ Identification of Health Problem or Issue = 100 points
Final Project Part Two: Propose a Project to address identified community health needs = 100 points
Final Project Slide Presentation to share with Peers

Final Project Part One: Assessing the community and defining the problem
Due by Week 6 Sunday 11:59 PM EST
In a well-constructed 1000– 1500 word paper (5 – 6 pages) Summarize your community assessment and define your community’s problem or health need. Use APA format.
I.Select a community where you work, live or have an interest
⦁ Define the composition of the community.
⦁ Identify the resources and unique characteristics of the community.
⦁ Research vital statistics for your community using suggested websites.
⦁ Analyze the vital statistics data and compare and contrast with New York City vital statistics and national trends
⦁ Identify three major issues affecting the health of the community
II. Assess your selected community
Final Project Part Two: Community Intervention Plan
Due by Week 11 Sunday 11:59 PM EST
⦁ Develop a proposed project with interventions to address one of the issues.
Power Point Presentation
Due by Week 15 A Thursday
⦁ Prepare 10 slides to share your findings and analysis with peers

Assignment Part 1 Outline
I. Select a community where you work live or have an interest
II. Assess your selected community
⦁ Define the demographic composition of the community.
Your community assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of the status of a community. It identifies population groups, needs and resources.
⦁ Identify your neighborhood by name, zip code and county.
⦁ Conduct a Windshield Survey by taking a walk or a drive around your neighborhood and observe your surroundings. What does your selected community look like? Describe your windshield survey findings and integrate this description with a discussion of some key components. Utilize additional resources to support your observations. Describe key components:
⦁ Location and Geographical boundaries
⦁ Community name and / or Community District number
⦁ Types of Housing & open spaces; Signs of decay
⦁ Safety Services (List Local Police Precincts, Fire Companies, Ambulance Companies)
⦁ Access to Transportation
⦁ Identify the resources and unique characteristics of the community.
⦁ Identify some of the community resources/ unique characteristics:
⦁ Health Care: Hospitals, Skilled Nursing Facilities
⦁ Government: Local Politicians (see suggested websites)
⦁ Schools/recreational facilities/
⦁ Senior services such as NORCS

⦁ Research vital statistics for your community using websites.

⦁ Research and discuss the vital statistics of your community.
⦁ Report on the demographics (population numbers, ethnic makeup, percentages of old and young, gender, economic status) and vital statistics (leading causes of morbidity and mortality, infant mortality rates etc).
⦁ Analyze the vital statistics data and compare and contrast with New York City vital statistics and national trends.
⦁ Analyze the data for similarities and differences:
⦁ What changes have occurred since the last time these statistics were reported?
⦁ Analyze the data for similarities and differences with that of New York City and Nationally.

⦁ Identify the vulnerable populations, unmet needs and the current resources available for them (Utilize suggested websites from your syllabus)

⦁ Talk to at least two key informants in your community. These could be community members who have lived in the community a long time and are familiar with the history and the problems, or a community leader. What is their role in the community? Describe what they identify as the problems and the strengths of the community and relate to community health concepts.

⦁ Summarize the health strengths, health risks and health problems of your selected community.
III. Describe the major issues affecting the health of the community
E. Identify and analyze three major issues affecting the health of the community
1. Identify at least three issues that affect the health status of population groups in your community.
2. Describe three problems in-depth by utilizing supporting data you have collected from your windshield survey, your search of the literature relating to your community/problem and supporting vital statistics
3. Relate the findings to two or more Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators and at least one HP 2020 overall goals.
Guidelines for Final Project Part 1 Paper:
⦁ Double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font, one inch margins all around, 1000 – 1500 word paper (5 – 6 pages), in APA format (Refer to APA guidelines in the APA guidelines menu tab)
⦁ Include your name on the paper and submit with your last name and Final Project Part One (e.g.: Reilly Final Project Part one) in the subject line.
⦁ Submit as Word document by saving the document your computer and upload the document to the Assignment Link.
⦁ Due by Week 8 Sunday 11:59 PM EST
Harkness Chapter 11, Community Assessment
Web Resources:

Conducting a Community Assessment…
Helping America’s Youth through Community Assessment
Collaborative Community Assessments…
North Carolina Community Health Assessment
Assess Community Needs and Resources
United Way Community Assessment of Santa Barbara County
Community Assessment Survey…
Community Assessment Tools…

Also see the web resources in your NURS 303 Syllabus

Final Project Part Two: Community Intervention Plan
Due by Week 11 Friday 11:59 PM EST
⦁ Develop a proposed project with interventions to address one of the issues.
Assignment Part 2 Outline
In Part two of your paper you will propose a plan to address one of these problems over a one year time period
Final Project Part Two: You have analyzed a health issue in the community you have assessed. A private organization wants to promote community participatory health promotion and prevention and will award a $50,000 grant to be used over one year for a proposal that can impact health outcomes. Propose a project that would offer a program to provide services or interventions that could be effective in addressing the identified health problem or issue. Discuss why you selected the issue, determine measureable outcomes, select evidence based interventions, draft a budget and provide a timeline (Use attached forms below)
Due by Week 11 Friday by 11:59 PM EST
In a well-constructed 750 –1000 word paper (3 – 4 pages) in APA format, address the following components of a proposal for your project – include all topics):
Describe the following: Title of Proposed Community Intervention Project Plan
Describe the following in a written summary:
⦁ Discuss why you selected one or more health related issues of the community identified in Part 1. Include background information that will explain the need. Provide a rationale to support your proposed project (utilize research obtained from Community Vital Statistics, Windshield Survey, Evidence on the Issue in the Literature).

⦁ Literature search: in addition to the vital statistics data sources that you identified in Part One, provide at least three article references within the last 5 years

⦁ Identify the Target population (vulnerable population) to be served by the project

⦁ Overall Goals of the project – how do they relate to HP 2020?

⦁ Determine measureable outcomes that would demonstrate improvement for each problem. Remember to use terms that list specific quantitative measurements, are realistic and have time frames. (See Healthy People 2020 leading health indicator targets for examples). Use the SMART approach: Specific, Measureable, Achieveable, Realistice, Time-oriented

⦁ Identify clearly which Healthy People 2020 leading health indicators and overall HP goal would be addressed by your interventions.

⦁ Community participatory Partners: Who will you engage to collaborate with and offer the community support

⦁ Propose a budget based on the Grant Funding ($50,000)

⦁ Evaluation Process- how will you evaluate effectiveness of your proposed intervention plan?

⦁ Future Plans: How might it be sustained?

Use attached Forms:

⦁ Activities timetable (over 1 year)

⦁ Outcomes (As a result of the project participants will ………) Determine measureable outcomes that would demonstrate improvement of the problem or issue.
⦁ Budget: ($50,000)
⦁ Using the forms provided, attach a proposed budget indicating anticipated program expenses.

⦁ Provide a written budget justification to give detail behind each line item.
Guidelines for Paper:
⦁ Double-spaced, Times New Roman #12 point font, one inch margins all around.
⦁ Include your name on the paper and submit with your last name and Final Project Part Two (e.g.: Reilly_Final Project Part Two) in the subject line.
⦁ This paper should be a 750 – 1000 word paper (3-4 pages) in length PLUS attachments,
⦁ APA format must be used (Refer to APA guidelines under tools)
⦁ The paper is to be written in a scholarly, professional tone with no slang or jargon phrases.
⦁ Submit as Word document by saving the document your computer and upload the document to Assignment Link.
⦁ Due by Week 11 Friday by 11:59 PM EST

NURS 303 Caring in Communities
Community Assessment and Project Planning – A Two Part Final Paper
List Activities with Timetable

Activities/Timetable Jan Feb Mar April May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec


NURS 303 Caring in Communities
Community Assessment and Project Planning – A Two Part Final Paper


Activities Anticipated Outcomes Outcome Measures

NURS 303 Caring in Communities
Community Assessment and Project Planning – A Two Part Final Paper

Budget $50,000
Item Number Total amount
Instructional Design Technologist
x 30 hours x $40
$ 1200


Final Project Part Three: Power Point Presentation
⦁ Prepare 10 slides to share your findings and analysis with peers
The power point presentation should be no more than 10 slides and should encompass aspects of Final Project Part 1 and Part 2. A great slide presentation should help the audience capture the gist of what the speaker is going to cover. Do not just copy the information from your paper on the slides. NURS 303 Final Project: Community Assessment and Project Planning
A Multi Step Final Project

Part 1 – research and conduct and a Community Assessment and identify issues that impact

Part 2 – Develop a targeted program/ intervention using supplied budget

Prepare 10 slides to present and share your findings and analysis with classmates
Grading rubric is posted in the Course site
Purpose: For community health/ public health nurse to develop the skills needed to conduct a community
assessment and plan appropriate interventions. The nurse will
• Develop a working knowledge of a selected community
• Identify the key needs and problems facing the community members
• Identify the strengths and resources of the community
• Develop realistic interventions to improve the health of the community and its people
• Utilize the standards outlined in Healthy People 2020. Http:// )
Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:

Utilize a community assessment and identify indicators of health
Identify nursing and health-related research data in community health nursing practice
Evaluate the health status of populations, determinants of health and risk factors impacting health
promotion, maintenance and delivery of health services
Conceptualize a program or intervention to address the health needs of a community
This multi-step final assignment will seek to develop and build on your skills in the following ways: Students

Implement an in-depth assessment of a community. (Windshield assessment/ literature search)
Identify your clients’ health problem or issue in a selected community (vital statistics)
Analyze what factors contribute to the cause of the problem (risk factors, determinants of health)
Synthesize collected data to propose a project that will offer interventions to improve the health of your selected
community (intervention project proposal)
Your assignment will be to submit two papers that capture:
Part 1:

Part 2:

assessment of the community
identification of the issue or problem that needs to be addressed
proposal for a project or program to address a health issue or need
prepare a 10 slide presentation to share findings and analysis with peers
Final Project Part One: Community Assessment/ Identification of Health Problem or Issue = 100 points
Final Project Part Two: Propose a Project to address identified community health needs = 100 points
Final Project Slide Presentation to share with Peers
Final Project Part One: Assessing the community and defining the problem
Due by Week 6 Sunday 11:59 PM EST
In a well-constructed 1000– 1500 word paper (5 – 6 pages) Summarize your community assessment and
define your community’s problem or health need. Use APA format.
I.Select a community where you work, live or have an interest

Define the composition of the community.

Identify the resources and unique characteristics of the community.

Research vital statistics for your community using suggested websites.

Analyze the vital statistics data and compare and contrast with New York City vital statistics and
national trends

Identify three major issues affecting the health of the community
II. Assess your selected community
Final Project Part Two: Community Intervention Plan
Due by Week 11 Sunday 11:59 PM EST

Develop a proposed project with interventions to address one of the issues.
Power Point Presentation
Due by Week 15 A Thursday

Prepare 10 slides to share your findings and analysis with peers
Assignment Part 1 Outline
I. Select a community where you work live or have an interest
II. Assess your selected community

Define the demographic composition of the community.
Your community assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of the status of a community. It identifies population
groups, needs and resources.

Identify your neighborhood by name, zip code and county.

Conduct a Windshield Survey by taking a walk or a drive around your neighborhood and observe your
surroundings. What does your selected community look like? Describe your windshield survey findings and
integrate this description with a discussion of some key components. Utilize additional resources to support your
observations. Describe key components:
• Location and Geographical boundaries
• Community name and / or Community District number
• Types of Housing & open spaces; Signs of decay
• Safety Services (List Local Police Precincts, Fire Companies, Ambulance Companies)
• Access to Transportation

Identify some of the community resources/ unique characteristics:
• Health Care: Hospitals, Skilled Nursing Facilities
• Government: Local Politicians (see suggested websites)
• Schools/recreational facilities/
• Senior services such as NORCS

Identify the resources and unique characteristics of the community.
Research vital statistics for your community using websites.
Research and discuss the vital statistics of your community.
• Report on the demographics (population numbers, ethnic makeup, percentages of old and young, gender,
economic status) and vital statistics (leading causes of morbidity and mortality, infant mortality rates etc).

Analyze the vital statistics data and compare and contrast with New York City vital statistics and
national trends.

Analyze the data for similarities and differences:
• What changes have occurred since the last time these statistics were reported?
• Analyze the data for similarities and differences with that of New York City and Nationally.

Identify the vulnerable populations, unmet needs and the current resources available for them (Utilize suggested
websites from your syllabus)

Talk to at least two key informants in your community. These could be community members who have lived in
the community a long time and are familiar with the history and the problems, or a community leader. What is
their role in the community? Describe what they identify as the problems and the strengths of the community and
relate to community health concepts.

Summarize the health strengths, health risks and health problems of your selected community.
III. Describe the major issues affecting the health of the community
E. Identify and analyze three major issues affecting the health of the community
1. Identify at least three issues that affect the health status of population groups in your community.
2. Describe three problems in-depth by utilizing supporting data you have collected from your windshield survey, your
search of the literature relating to your community/problem and supporting vital statistics
3. Relate the findings to two or more Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators and at least one HP 2020
overall goals.
Guidelines for Final Project Part 1 Paper:

Double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font, one inch margins all around, 1000 – 1500 word paper (5 –
6 pages), in APA format (Refer to APA guidelines in the APA guidelines menu tab)

Include your name on the paper and submit with your last name and Final Project Part One (e.g.: Reilly
Final Project Part one) in the subject line.

Submit as Word document by saving the document your computer and upload the document to the
Assignment Link.

Due by Week 8 Sunday 11:59 PM EST
Harkness Chapter 11, Community Assessment
Web Resources:
Conducting a Community Assessment
Helping America’s Youth through Community Assessment
Collaborative Community Assessments
North Carolina Community Health Assessment
Assess Community Needs and Resources
United Way Community Assessment of Santa Barbara County
Community Assessment Survey
Community Assessment Tools
Also see the web resources in your NURS 303 Syllabus
Final Project Part Two: Community Intervention Plan
Due by Week 11 Friday 11:59 PM EST

Develop a proposed project with interventions to address one of the issues.
Assignment Part 2 Outline
In Part two of your paper you will propose a plan to address one of these problems over a one year time
Final Project Part Two: You have analyzed a health issue in the community you have assessed. A private
organization wants to promote community participatory health promotion and prevention and will award a $50,000
grant to be used over one year for a proposal that can impact health outcomes. Propose a project that would offer
a program to provide services or interventions that could be effective in addressing the identified health problem or
issue. Discuss why you selected the issue, determine measureable outcomes, select evidence based interventions,
draft a budget and provide a timeline (Use attached forms below)
Due by Week 11 Friday by 11:59 PM EST
In a well-constructed 750 –1000 word paper (3 – 4 pages) in APA format, address the following
components of a proposal for your project – include all topics):
Describe the following: Title of Proposed Community Intervention Project Plan
Describe the following in a written summary:

Discuss why you selected one or more health related issues of the community identified in Part
1. Include background information that will explain the need. Provide a rationale to support your
proposed project (utilize research obtained from Community Vital Statistics, Windshield Survey,
Evidence on the Issue in the Literature).

Literature search: in addition to the vital statistics data sources that you identified in Part One, provide
at least three article references within the last 5 years

Identify the Target population (vulnerable population) to be served by the project

Overall Goals of the project – how do they relate to HP 2020?

Determine measureable outcomes that would demonstrate improvement for each problem. Remember
to use terms that list specific quantitative measurements, are realistic and have time frames. (See
Healthy People 2020 leading health indicator targets for examples). Use the SMART approach:
Specific, Measureable, Achieveable, Realistice, Time-oriented

Identify clearly which Healthy People 2020 leading health indicators and overall HP goal would be
addressed by your interventions.

Community participatory Partners: Who will you engage to collaborate with and offer the community

Propose a budget based on the Grant Funding ($50,000)

Evaluation Process- how will you evaluate effectiveness of your proposed intervention plan?

Future Plans: How might it be sustained?
Use attached Forms:

Activities timetable (over 1 year)

Outcomes (As a result of the project participants will ………)
Determine measureable outcomes that would demonstrate improvement of the problem or issue.

Budget: ($50,000)
• Using the forms provided, attach a proposed budget indicating anticipated program expenses.

Provide a written budget justification to give detail behind each line item.
Guidelines for Paper:

Double-spaced, Times New Roman #12 point font, one inch margins all around.

Include your name on the paper and submit with your last name and Final Project Part
Two (e.g.: Reilly_Final Project Part Two) in the subject line.

This paper should be a 750 – 1000 word paper (3-4 pages) in length PLUS attachments,

APA format must be used (Refer to APA guidelines under tools)

The paper is to be written in a scholarly, professional tone with no slang or jargon phrases.

Submit as Word document by saving the document your computer and upload the document to Assignment

Due by Week 11 Friday by 11:59 PM EST
NURS 303 Caring in Communities
Community Assessment and Project Planning – A Two Part Final Paper
List Activities with Timetable
Feb Mar
May June July
August Sept Oct
Nov Dec
NURS 303 Caring in Communities
Community Assessment and Project Planning – A Two Part Final Paper
Anticipated Outcomes
Outcome Measures
NURS 303 Caring in Communities
Community Assessment and Project Planning – A Two Part Final Paper
Budget $50,000
Total amount
Instructional Design Technologist x 30 hours x $40
Final Project Part Three: Power Point Presentation

Prepare 10 slides to share your findings and analysis with peers
$ 1200
The power point presentation should be no more than 10 slides and should encompass aspects of
Final Project Part 1 and Part 2. A great slide presentation should help the audience capture the gist of
what the speaker is going to cover. Do not just copy the information from your paper on the slides.

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