Costs and Benefits of Immigration Rhetorical précis Paper For today, you’ll submit – your text annotations for readings three-four a rhetorical précis and

Costs and Benefits of Immigration Rhetorical précis Paper For today, you’ll submit –

your text annotations for readings three-four
a rhetorical précis and your response questions for readings three-four

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Costs and Benefits of Immigration Rhetorical précis Paper For today, you’ll submit – your text annotations for readings three-four a rhetorical précis and
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Readings Three-Four

Edsall, Thomas B., “What Does Immigration Actually Cost Us?,” pp. 1-10
West, Darrell M., “The Costs and Benefits of Immigration,” from the book Brain Gain: Rethinking U.S. Immigration Policy, Brookings Institution, pp. 1-20

Text Annotations

Submit your text annotations. You may also convert pdfs to Word and use Word tools to annotate, print texts and handwrite your annotations, or choose another method that works for you. Try to produce a single document for each annotated text. Last Name 1
Instructor Trina Larson
ENGL ___
Day Month Year
Rhetorical Précis: Title of Source
Begin by annotating your texts; then follow the format for your précis, here. Your précis can be singlespaced to make each entry more succinct on the page. Each précis should include a) in a single coherent
sentence, the name of the author, author’s profession, and title of their work, a rhetorically accurate verb (e.g.,
assert, argue, deny, refute, prove, disprove, explain), and a “that” clause containing the main claim of the work;
b) in a single coherent sentence, an explanation of how the author develops and supports the major claim with
key subclaims that are specifically named, between commas or semi-colons, including a citation; c) in a single
coherent sentence, the author’s purpose, followed by an “in order to” phrase; and d) in a single coherent sentence,
a description of the intended audience and/or the relationship the author establishes with the audience and/or
perceived biases of the author. Following each précis, respond to the following questions, then upload this
document and your annotated source texts to the submission site I’ll create for you each week.
How sound is this source and why? Response
What do you find strong or especially agree with based on your current understanding and
why? Response
What do you find weak, fallacious, or especially disagree with based on your current
understanding and why? Response
Has your thinking about your chosen topic changed as a result of this source and why/why
not? Response
How might this source relate to an essay you might write? Response
Works Cited (examples)
Dean, Cornelia. “Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet.” The New York Times, 22 May 2007, Accessed 12 May 2016.
Ebert, Roger. Review of An Inconvenient Truth, directed by Davis Guggenheim., 1
June 2006, Accessed 15 June 2016.
Nordhaus, William D. “After Kyoto: Alternative Mechanisms to Control Global Warming.”
American Economic Review, vol. 96, no. 2, 2006, pp. 31-34.
Last Name 2
Rhetorical Précis: Title of Source
Begin by annotating your texts; then follow the format for your précis, here. Your précis can be singlespaced to make each entry more succinct on the page. Each précis should include a) in a single coherent
sentence, the name of the author, author’s profession, and title of their work, a rhetorically accurate verb (e.g.,
assert, argue, deny, refute, prove, disprove, explain), and a “that” clause containing the main claim of the work;
b) in a single coherent sentence, an explanation of how the author develops and supports the major claim with
key subclaims that are specifically named, between commas or semi-colons, including a citation; c) in a single
coherent sentence, the author’s purpose, followed by an “in order to” phrase; and d) in a single coherent sentence,
a description of the intended audience and/or the relationship the author establishes with the audience and/or
perceived biases of the author. Following each précis, respond to the following questions, then upload this
document and your annotated source texts to the submission site I’ll create for you each week.
How sound is this source and why? Response
What do you find strong or especially agree with based on your current understanding and
why? Response
What do you find weak, fallacious, or especially disagree with based on your current
understanding and why? Response
Has your thinking about your chosen topic changed as a result of this source and why/why
not? Response
How might this source relate to an essay you might write? Response
Works Cited (examples)
Dean, Cornelia. “Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet.” The New York Times, 22 May 2007, Accessed 12 May 2016.
Ebert, Roger. Review of An Inconvenient Truth, directed by Davis Guggenheim., 1
June 2006, Accessed 15 June 2016.
Nordhaus, William D. “After Kyoto: Alternative Mechanisms to Control Global Warming.”
American Economic Review, vol. 96, no. 2, 2006, pp. 31-34.
Rhetorical Précis Introduction
A rhetorical précis (pronounced “pray-see,” whether singular or plural) is a summary of the essential points of an academic
source. It includes four sentences which allow us to academic texts closely, analyze them carefully, and produce a succinct
summary of them.
Preparing to Write a Rhetorical Précis
To write a rhetorical précis, the first step is to understand a source text very well. This requires annotating each source
text, highlighting, underlining, circling and making notes like “main claim,” “subclaim 1,” “evidence,”
“counterargument,” “rebuttal,” “key term” in the margins, and noting questions.
The Rhetorical Précis Format
1. In a single coherent sentence, write the following:
a. the name of the author, author’s profession, and title of their work,
b. a rhetorically accurate verb (e.g., assert, argue, deny, refute, prove, disprove, explain),
c. a “that” clause containing the main claim of the work.
2. In a single coherent sentence, explain how the author develops and supports the major claim with key subclaims
that are specifically named, between commas, including a citation.
3. In a single coherent sentence, state of the author’s purpose, followed by an “in order to” phrase.
4. In a single coherent sentence give a description of the intended audience and/or the relationship the author
establishes with the audience and/or perceived biases of the author.
Rhetorical Précis Sample
The following sample illustrates the précis format. (It also provides a useful theory about the ways we form beliefs.
You can see that in this class, we favor the “method of science,” as does Pierce. Note that you do NOT need to use
numbers ? in your précis.)
? In “The Fixation of Belief,” scientist and philosopher Charles S. Pierce asserts that we possess
psychological and social mechanisms designed to protect and cement (or “fix”) our beliefs. ? Pierce
supports this claim with descriptions of four methods of fixing beliefs and their limitations, namely:
the method of tenacity, or holding closely to what one already believes, which may be shaken in the
presence of others’ beliefs; the method of authority, or holding to beliefs those in authority hold,
which may limit what one may believe; the a priori method, or holding to what “sounds good”; which
is a matter of personal taste or intuition; and the method of science, or relying on the following
assumptions: there is a real world out there existing independently of what we think about it, the real
world has certain real characteristics and operates according to real and regular laws, and that if we
understood these ways we could discern the truth of the real world out there (2, 5, 7, 9). ? Pierce’s
purpose in writing this essay is to point out the ways that people commonly establish their belief
systems in order to jolt the awareness of the reader into considering how their own belief system
may be the product of such methods and to consider what Pierce calls “the method of science” as a
progressive alternative to the other three. ? Given the technical language used in the article, Pierce
is writing to a well-educated audience with some knowledge of philosophy and history and a
willingness to consider other ways of thinking.
Evaluative Questions to Follow Each Précis:
Following each rhetorical précis, respond to the following questions to evaluate each source:
Using the CRAAP test, how sound is this source and why?
What do you find strong or especially agree with based on your current understanding and why?
What do you weak, fallacious, or especially disagree with based on your current understanding and why?
Has your thinking about your chosen topic changed as a result of this source and why/why not?
How might this source relate to an essay you could write?
Videos About Rhetorical Précis:
The Rhetorical Precis – Alice Myatt (4:40)
Rhetorical Precis Sample – Cate Miller (4:39)
Rhetorical Precis model adapted from Oregon State “Sample Rhetorical Precis” and

Campaign Stops
What Does Immigration Actually Cost
Thomas B. Edsall
SEPT. 29, 2016
Last week, as soon as the National Academy of Sciences issued “The Economic and
Fiscal Consequences of Immigration,” its 509-page report, interest groups on the
left and right immediately claimed vindication.
“National Academy of Sciences Study Confirms Immigrants Benefit America,”
America’s Voice, a liberal advocacy group, declared from the pro-immigration side.
Frank Sharry, the group’s executive director, issued a statement assessing the
On the fringes of the immigration debate, you have Donald Trump and his
small band of nativists peddling fears and falsehoods. For those of us who
inhabit a fact-driven reality, you have a growing body of credible research
demonstrating the benefits of immigrants and the burdens of following Trump’s
radical proposals.
Conservatives calling for more restrictions on immigration read the same
report but had a very different interpretation. “National Academy of Sciences Study
of Immigration: Workers and Taxpayers Lose, Businesses Benefit,” the Center for
Immigration Studies wrote. Steven Camarota, director of research at the center,
said that the report demonstrated that immigration lowers the wages of American
workers, to the benefit of immigrants themselves and of corporations:
Immigration is primarily a redistributive policy, transferring income from
workers to owners of capital and from taxpayers to low-income immigrant
These opposing views demonstrate the complexity of the core findings in the
academy’s report, which is multifaceted enough to allow for competing
interpretations. The report suggests that immigration is not a clear-cut issue in
which one side is right and the other wrong, but that there are both costs and
The crux of the problem is that the plusses and minuses are not distributed
equally. The academy found, for example, that the willingness of less-skilled
immigrants to work at low pay reduced consumption costs — the costs to
consumers of goods and services like health care, child care, food preparation,
house cleaning, repair and construction — for millions of Americans. This resulted
in “positive net benefits to the U.S. economy during the last two decades of the
20th century.” These low-wage workers simultaneously generated “a redistribution
of wealth from low- to high-skilled native-born workers.”
The frequent harshness of these trade-offs in real life is masked by the
academic language of the report, which points out that native-born workers who
are substitutes for immigrants “will experience negative wage effects” — in other
words, lower wages.
The report continues:
In summary, the immigration surplus stems from the increase in the return to
capital that results from the increased supply of labor and the subsequent fall in
wages. Natives who own more capital will receive more income from the
immigration surplus than natives who own less capital, who can consequently
be adversely affected.
While acknowledging these conflicts, the academy comes down decisively on
the pro-immigration side of the debate:
Immigration is integral to the nation’s economic growth. The inflow of labor
supply has helped the United States avoid the problems facing other economies
that have stagnated as a result of unfavorable demographics, particularly the
effects of an aging work force and reduced consumption by older residents. In
addition, the infusion of human capital by high-skilled immigrants has boosted
the nation’s capacity for innovation, entrepreneurship, and technological
The academy’s report provides ammunition to both sides in the contentious
debate over whether immigrants raise state and local tax burdens for education,
health care and other welfare benefits or whether those costs are more than
compensated for through taxes paid by immigrants:
For the 2011-2013 period, the net cost to state and local budgets of first
generation adults is, on average, about $1,600 each. In contrast, second and
third-plus generation adults create a net positive of about $1,700 and $1,300
each, respectively, to state and local budgets. These estimates imply that the
total annual fiscal impact of first generation adults and their dependents,
averaged across 2011-13, is a cost of $57.4 billion, while second and third-plus
generation adults create a benefit of $30.5 billion and $223.8 billion,
In its analysis, the liberal group America’s Voice cited the academy’s statement
almost verbatim. The conservative Center for Immigration Studies, on the other
hand, interpreted the data to mean that
immigrants do not pay enough in taxes to cover their consumption of public
services at the present time.
This ideological schism has shaped the current presidential election as well as
ongoing congressional debates. Democrats have become increasingly proimmigration while Republican voters and many members of Congress generally
stand in opposition. It is this split that lies at the core of the contest between
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Clinton described the principles underlying her position on immigration in a
speech she gave in North Las Vegas last year:
If we claim we are for family, then we have to pull together and resolve the
outstanding issues around our broken immigration system. The American
people support comprehensive immigration reform not just because it’s the
right thing to do — and it is — but because they know it strengthens families,
strengthens our economy, and strengthens our country.
The principles underlying Trump’s position are diametrically opposed to those
of Clinton. On his website, Trump declares:
When politicians talk about “immigration reform” they mean: amnesty, cheap
labor and open borders. The Schumer-Rubio immigration bill was nothing
more than a giveaway to the corporate patrons who run both parties. Real
immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy
globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration
system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own.
Trump supporters, who are 87 percent white, are substantially more hostile to
immigrants than the general public. A Pew study in August found that two thirds of
Trump loyalists describe immigration as a “very big problem.” Half of Trump
voters believe immigrants “are more likely than American citizens to commit
serious crimes,” a figure that rises to 59 percent among his strongest supporters. In
terms of work, 35 percent of Trump voters say immigrants take jobs from
Americans, compared with 24 percent of all voters.
A March 2016 Pew poll found that a majority of all voters, 57 percent, said
immigrants strengthen the country through hard work, compared with 20 percent
of Trump voters. Thirty-five percent of all voters said immigrants burden the
country “by taking jobs, housing and health care,” compared with 69 percent of
Trump supporters.
The accompanying chart from the book “Polarized America” by the political
scientists Nolan McCarty, Keith T. Poole and Howard Rosenthal illustrates the
linkage between immigration and political polarization. The chart shows that over
the period from 1879 to 2013, divisions between House Democrats and
Republicans rose when the level of immigration was high and dropped when the
level fell.
The intensity of the conflict over immigration is on view in the contrasting
arguments of pro- and anti- immigration forces on a relatively obscure issue,
remittances sent by immigrants to their families in their native countries.
Conservative organizations seeking to reduce immigration levels argue that
remittances are a drain on the American economy. Limits To Growth, for example,
describes remittances as money “strip-mined from the United States by foreign
workers” that could have been used for productive investment in this country.
The academy’s report disputes that claim, citing studies showing that very
small adverse economic consequences result from remittances, and numerous
benefits, including
having a substantial and important role in moving funds from rich to poor
countries, which is needed to speed up global growth and reduce cross-country
inequality and possibly also international migration.
The views of Pia Orrenius, vice president and senior economist at the Dallas
Federal Reserve, reveal the complications of the politics of immigration. Orrenius
served on the National Academy of Sciences panel that produced the report and
she makes the case that the “Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs:”
Immigration fuels the economy. When immigrants enter the labor force, they
increase the productive capacity of the economy and raise GDP.” In addition,
she continued, “immigrants grease the wheels of the labor market by flowing
into industries and areas where there is a relative need for workers — where
bottlenecks or shortages might otherwise damp growth. When immigrants
enter the labor force, they increase the productive capacity of the economy and
raise GDP.
But, Orrenius acknowledges there are downsides. Immigration
lowers the wages of competing workers, while raising the return to capital and
the wages of complementary workers. In other words, the immigration surplus
does not accrue equally to everyone. It goes primarily to the owners of capital,
which includes business and landowners and investors.
Orrenius points out where the disadvantages of immigration primarily accrue:
Competing workers’ wages fall, at least in the initial transition period as the
economy adjusts to the new labor inflow. Research suggests that previous
immigrants suffer more of the adverse wage effects than do natives. Research
also suggests any negative wage effects are concentrated among low-skilled —
not high-skilled — workers.
This conclusion, which is supported by many of the empirical studies included
in the report, goes to the heart of a Democratic dilemma, which the party rarely
addresses publicly.
On one hand, support for liberalized immigration policies, including a path to
legal status and citizenship for the undocumented, is crucial to winning support
from Hispanic voters. A majority of Latino voters have relatives, friends and coworkers who are in this country illegally and who live in fear of deportation.
Among Democrats of all ethnicities and races, support for immigration and
immigrants has risen steadily.
Pew Research found in August that 78 percent of Democrats agreed with the
statement that immigrants “strengthen the country through hard work,” a view
shared by 35 percent of Republicans. 88 percent of Democrats said undocumented
immigrants should be granted legal status to stay in the United States.
At the same time, however, the costs of liberal immigration policies are borne
most heavily by two key Democratic constituencies. Both are current targets of
voter registration and get-out-the-vote drives: recent immigrants to this county
and all workers without high school degrees, a group that is majority minority, 29.5
percent African-American and 35.2 percent Hispanic.
The economic winners from rising immigration levels are closely associated
with the establish…
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