R8360 walden University Recruiting Participants Interview Project In this week’s Workshop, visit your unique thread and post a response to the following:

R8360 walden University Recruiting Participants Interview Project In this week’s Workshop, visit your unique thread and post a response to the following:

Outline your proposed interview procedures, providing justification of each procedure included in your list. Be sure to consider and share your plan for the following:
Who you are considering interviewing
Incorporation of the exact verbiage provided by the IRB’s Office of Research and Compliance
The revised interview guide, which now includes the invitation, informed consent, introductory statement, the interview, and a concluding/closing statement
In which format to conduct the interview (e-mail, phone, or in person), with a justification for your choice and inclusion of appropriate sources (referring to articles)
Choosing and coordinating a peer debrief with one of your classmates, which can be by phone (preferably) or e-mail and will occur after you have collected your data
Review two of your classmates’ protocols in their unique threads. Provide feedback on their proposed interview procedures. Reach out to one or two classmates to confirm who you would like to have as your peer debriefer.
For this week’s Journal entry, respond to the following two prompts:
Regarding the research plan, address the following:
What are the best sources for finding participants who fit your criteria for inclusion in the sample?
Who do you need to contact to get permission to distribute your announcement?
How do you choose information-rich cases?
Regarding your practice interviews for the course, address the following:
Brainstorm ideas for asking friends and/or family who could role-play the task of the interviewee sufficiently to provide a rich, detailed interview.
In Week 7, you will finish Step II of the Final Project; you started this step in Week 6. To complete Step II, do the following:
Revise your interview instrument based on the feedback you receive from your classmates and Instructor.
Prepare a document that includes the following components:
A brief description of how you will recruit two participants
A protocol that includes the invitation, informed consent (using the verbatim document from the Walden IRB), interview guide (revised based on feedback from your Instructor and classmates), closing statement, and peer debrief paragraph R8360 Final Project: Building a Qualitative Research Plan
The purpose of the final project is to develop knowledge and practice skills that will prepare you for developing a qualitative dissertation proposal. In fact, most of
the assignments closely parallel the requirements for a qualitative research proposal as described in the Qualitative Checklist. This process is a hands-on
opportunity to develop an idea of interest or passion into a research plan. This includes intensive work on the alignment of your problem statement, purpose
statement and research question with a qualitative approach; developing an interview guide; practice conducting an interview; and preparing and analyzing data.
At the end of this assignment, you will also be asked to reflect on what you’ve learned, and what you make carry forward with you to the dissertation.
Beginning in Week 5 and extending through the rest of the course, you will work on the components that constitute your Final Project. The Final Project will be
produced in a stepwise fashion, and each week you will be working on a new step. You’ll receive feedback from your classmates and instructor on each step that
you will incorporate into the final document.
Be sure to watch the Final Project Guidelines video included in this week’s Media Resources in preparation for Final Project Step I.
The Final Project is comprised of the following six steps. These are presented in the video, and the instructions for each step are described in detail in the week
each occurs. Use this list and the table to plan your time, and anticipate the due dates for each component and the final project.
Step I: Revising the Problem/Purpose Statement and Choosing the Approach (Week 5)
Step II: Developing an Interview Guide, Invitation and Data Collection Protocol (Weeks 6 and 7)
Step III: Conduct the Interviews, take notes and Journal (Week 8)
Step IV: Transcribe and Organize data and peer debrief (Week 9)
Step V: Considerations for Qualitative Analysis: Analysis Plan, Coding Strategies, Software Choices (Week 10)
Step VI: Research Trustworthiness, Reflection, Final Submission (Week 11)
Start (development & 1st
Revise based on feedback
and submit to Instructor by
Revise the problem statement, purpose
statement, research question.
Week 1 Discussion & Workshop
Week 5, Day 6
Choose and justify the choice of approach.
Week 2 Discussion & Assignment
Week 3 Discussion & Assignment
Week 4 Workshop & Assignment
Week 5, Day 6
Develop the interview Guide
Week 6 Workshop & Journal
Week 6, Day 7
Revise the interview guide, develop the
invitation and data collection protocol
Week 7 Workshop, Journal, & Assignment 2
Week 7, Day 7
Conduct the Interview, take notes & journal
Week 8 Workshop & Journal
Transcribe and organize data
Week 9 Workshop & Assignment
Peer debrief
Week 9 Workshop & Assignment;
Week 10 Workshop
Analysis Plan
Week 10 Workshop & Assignment 1 & 2
Week 10
Develop codes & categories
Week 10 Workshop & Assignment 1 & 2
Week 10
Compare hand-coding with QDA software
Week 10 Assignment 1 & 2
Week 10
Research quality
Week 11 Workshop
Week 11
Week 11 Journal
Week 11
Final Project
Week 11 Assignment
Week 11
Once you’ve assembled all of the pieces of your Final Project, use the template located in the course resources to organize and submit. The template has the
correct headings, sub-headings and page numbers to properly organize your work. And, this is practice for using templates required in the Dissertation process.
Your work will not be accepted unless it uses the template, and you will lose points for late submission.
Below is the outline you can follow to make sure you have correctly included
all of the materials needed for the final project.
I. Abstract Title page
II. Abstract (see instructions in template for what should be included)
III. Title Page
IV. Table of Contents
VI. Chapter 2: Research Plan
a. Research Design: Choice of Approach
i. Describe the Phenomenon of Interest
ii. Description of Approach
iii. Rationale for Chosen Approach
b. Role of the Researcher
i. Reveal any personal and professional relationships you have
with the participants
ii. State how biases will be managed
V. Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study
a. Background
i. Summarize literature from your prospectus, annotated
bibliography and articles you found in this course that points to
a gap in the research that is worthy of further study
b. Research Problem
i. State the research problem in terms of the gap in the research
ii. Frame the problem in terms of how further research could be of
c. Purpose Statement
i. Use the template to present your statement that includes
1. Target group/individual/organization/event of interest
2. Phenomenon of interest
3. Terminology that indicates the approach to be used
d. Research Questions
e. Conceptual or Theoretical Framework
i. Present the framework that you have revised from your
c. Participant Selection
i. Describe the target group of interest
ii. Describe the sampling strategy and ideal sample size (if you
were to conduct this as a real study)
iii. Describe the criterion for sample selection (if you were to
conduct this as a real study)
iv. Describe how participants were be contacted and invited for
this effort
d. Instrumentation
i. The Interview Guide
1. Describe the basis for development (literature, theory,
personal experience) of the interview questions)
2. Describe efforts to insure content validity and credibility
ii. Describe other data sources (e.g., journal, notes, video)
1. Describe how and how
e. Procedures for Data Collection
i. Please include a narrative of
1. Where/how the data were collected
2. Duration of data collection events
3. How data were recorded
4. How the participants were debriefed
5. Ethical procedures to protect the participants during the
recruiting, data collection and debriefing process.
f. Data Analysis Plan
i. Repeat the purpose and research question
ii. Describe the plan that best fits the chosen approach
iii. Describe examples of codes and categories you developed
iv. Describe considerations for choosing QDA software
g. Issues of Trustworthiness
i. For each dimension of trustworthiness describe (a) what you did
[if anything]; and (b) what other strategies could be considered if
this was your dissertation
ii. Credibility
iii. Transferability
iv. Dependability
v. Confirmability
VII. Chapter 3: Summary and Reflections
a. Introduction
i. Restate research purpose and question
b. Reflection on Social Change
i. Discuss the relevance of your proposed research to Walden’s
mission of social change
c. Reflection on Course Learning
i. Reflect on what was learned about conducting qualitative
d. Next Steps
i. Consider your next steps in preparation for the dissertation
VIII. References
Email-format Consent Form for Practice Interview (edits not permitted)
To be emailed to the invited interviewee:
You are invited to take part in an interview for a research course that I am completing as part of my doctoral program. The purpose of the interview is to help me
hone my interviewing and data analysis skills.
Interview Procedures:
I am requesting that you permit me to conduct an audio-recorded interview for about
minutes. Transcriptions of interviews will be analyzed as part of my
course. Copies of your interview recording and transcript are available from me upon request.
Voluntary Nature of the Interview:
This interview is voluntary. If you decide to take part now, you can still change your mind later.
Risks and Benefits of Being Interviewed:
Being in this interview would not pose any risks beyond those of typical daily life. There is no benefit to you.
Interview recordings and full transcripts will be shared with each interviewee, upon request. Transcripts with identifiers redacted will be shared with my university
faculty along with my analysis. The interview recording and transcript will be destroyed as soon as I have completed my course.
Contacts and Questions:
If you want to talk privately about your rights as an interviewee, you can call Dr. Leilani Endicott. She is the Walden University representative who can discuss this
with you. Her phone number is 612-312-1210.
Please share any questions or concerns you might have at this time. If you agree to be interviewed as described above, please reply to this email with the words,
“I consent.”
Office of Research and Compliance: IRB Requirements for Selecting Participants
Please note the following conditions for all COURSE-BASED data collection projects:
• Students may only interview adult family members or acquaintances. No strangers may be recruited for this training activity.
• Students may not seek out protected populations such as children, prisoners, residents of any facility, or mentally/emotionally disabled individuals for this
project unless they have obtained IRB approval using the standard full review process via forms found at the university’s IRB website (which takes a
minimum of 6 weeks). Note that this does NOT mean the student should ask the interviewee if s/he has a disability. The policy is simply that students may
not seek out protected populations for this training exercise. If a student wishes to practice an interview that is designed for a people in a protected class
(i.e., children), then the student will need to ask an adult friend to roleplay the part of the participant.
• Students are required to store their project data in electronic format (e.g., Word, Excel, SPSS, Nvivo, etc.) for the duration of their course and then must
dispose of the data at the time final grades are assigned.
• Students must de-identify the data as soon as is realistically possible to minimize risk of inappropriate disclosure of personal information. De-identification
consists of removing all direct identifiers such as names, addresses, or telephone numbers from the raw data and database. Students must take
precautions to not disclose to anyone else (including the instructor) any part of the data that is linkable to a participant’s identity.
• Payments, compensation, reimbursement, free services, or extra credit or other gifts may NOT be preferentially given to the project participants. This is to
ensure voluntary participation.
• Interview data generated by this training assignment is not eligible for inclusion in the dissertation or any other study.
Interview Guide Worksheet
1. Restate the RQ, and define the phenomenon of interest.
2. Review your literature on the phenomena of interest.
7. For each question you ask, follow up with one or more of the following
probes (probing questions encourage the participant to describe specific
events and examples of the phenomena).
• Identify recurring patterns, conflicting ideas, or unique findings
• Can you give me a specific example of …?
• Choose 3 to 5 of these as potential topics for developing questions
• Tell me about a typical day when [the phenomenon] happens to you?
• Identify keywords and phrases that will form the basis of your
• What did that experience mean to you?
3. Review your theoretical/conceptual framework
• Identify 3 to 5 concepts or assumptions that are fundamental
to the framework
• Identify keywords and phrases that will form the basis of your
4. Review methodological sources of your approach.
• What are the structural or key points that need to be included
in the interview guide so that it is consistent with the
5. Arrange the literature topics, framework concepts and methodological
points into beginning, middle and end of interview.
6. Modify each concept so that it becomes an open-ended question. Use
these guidelines as well as Patton’s examples (Chapter 7) to make sure the
phenomenon of interest is thoroughly investigated.
8. Formulate an introduction to the interview. Start with an accessible, answerable question.
• Begin the interview with a “warm-up” question—something that the
respondent can answer easily and at some length (though not too
long). Make sure the question pertains to the phenomenon of interest,
and will put you and the participant more at ease with one another to
make the rest of the interview flow more smoothly.
9. Review the concepts questions, and consider which concepts will be hard to
talk about? Embarrassing? Move these concepts towards the middle of the
10. Consider how you want to close the interview (“Is there anything else you’d
like to share with me before we finish this interview?”). What can you say that
will let the participant know they were “heard” and respected?
11. What do you need to communicate to the participant to “debrief”? This
typically includes (1) how you will get in touch in order to have the participant
verify the accuracy of the interview; and (2) what you will share with the
participant once the study is completed.
• Make every question open-ended.
• Make every question neutral. Avoid leading questions, and avoid using
words that direct how the participant should answer.
• Ask only one question at a time.
• Make sure that the content of the question is consistent with
the participant’s level of education and culture.

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