Use this converter to calculate how many pages a certain number of words is. Just enter a number of words or paste your text, choose the formatting you need, and get the estimated number of pages your essay will take.
Enter a number of words or paste your text & choose the formatting.
The most widespread estimate is that the average length of a word in English is about 5 letters. However, that may not always be true. The mean length of a word may depend on what dictionary is chosen for such analysis. In other words, a smaller dictionary is less likely to contain a word like floccinaucinihilipilification, that is used quite rarely. If we include such words into analysis, the mean length will increase up to 9 or 10 letters.
Our tool is designed to show the estimated number of pages for a typical text written with most commonly used words. As it was described above, your text may contain longer words, for example medical or chemical terminology. All in all, it will still show you the result that will only slightly differ from the actual one.
A paper formatted in both MLA and APA styles should be double-spaced with 1” margins on all sides. Recommended fonts are 12pt Times New Roman, Arial, or any other legible typeface.
These are the two most widely spread paper types in the world. US Letter (8.5 inches by 11 inches) is used in the North America, while the rest of the world uses A4 (210 millimeters by 297 millimeters (8.27 inches by 11.69 inches). Make sure you use the right settings while printing, as the wrong ones may result in uneven margins.
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